Youth CampCamp Dates: July 20 - 24, 2025 Ages: 8-12 years
Registration Cost: $450 Arrival: Sunday @ 3:00 PM Departure: Thursday @ 7:00 PM What better way to enjoy the summer than a week at the lake filled with fun, faith and friends! Camper weeks are designed for campers to have fun making new friends and life-long memories, discover new skills and abilities, and grow in their personal relationship with God - all while living in Catholic community. Pack your bags for a short week jammed full of fun, faith and friends!
NEW This Summer: IMPACT CampDates: July 27-31, 2025 Ages: 13-16 years
Registration Cost: $475 Arrival: Sunday @ 3:00 PM Departure: Thursday @ 7:00 PM NEW this summer! Senior Camp is designed for older campers to have fun making new friends and life-long memories, discover new skills and abilities, and grow in their personal relationship with God - all while living in Catholic community. Pack your bags for a short week jammed full of fun, faith and friends as you dive into impacting your faith life and discovering your impact on this world.
Family CampCamp Dates: Aug 6-9, 2025 Ages: All Ages
Registration Cost Per Family: $450/1 night $800/2 nights $975/3 nights (full camp) Arrival: First Day @ 1:00-2:00 PM Departure: Next Day @ 11:00 AM Mark it on your calendar, book your time off work, pack up your family and join us at Family Camp. You can choose a family session for one night only or all of the nights - completely your choice - we're flexible! We will "house" you as a family in cabin accommodations. Experience camp as your "second-home" to rest, recover, adventure, and grow as a family in Catholic community. Family camps are a chance for families to enjoy being lakeside at camp and experience faith-filled, fun and safe programming including waterfront, archery/pelletry activities, campfires, chapel, cabin life, and games - all with provided meals!